The Nuclear Institute engages with Universities and Further Education institutions to ensure provision of high-quality nuclear education courses for future nuclear professionals. This supports our charitable objective of promoting the advancement of education relating to nuclear energy and its application and ancillary subjects.
The Nuclear Academics and Industry Liaison Sub-committee (NAILS) is a forum for academics and industry applying nuclear science and technology.
The NAILS Group is as a working group within the Nuclear Institute within the Nuclear Institute Education, Outreach & Training Committee. It meets at least twice per year.
The functions of NAILS are principally:
- the coordination of views of the academics applying nuclear science and technology and of the industry;
- the sharing and dissemination of information;
- organising collective action by the universities and the industry for mutual benefit;
- the provision of a collective voice of the academics applying nuclear science and technology in discussions in the UK, in Europe and internationally;
- leadership of higher education and skills strategy within the Nuclear Institute.
Any University, company or organisation, which teaches or conducts research or works in the nuclear science and technology area may apply to join NAILS. Applications are subject to approval by a majority of NAILS members.
Major Activities
Nuclear Academics Meeting
Education Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Membership
Young Generation Network
NAILS Chair – Dr Michael Rushton, Bangor University
NAILS Secretary – Dr Sophie Cooper, NNL