Terms and Conditions

Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to the NI’s standard terms and conditions:

Conditions of booking

The Nuclear Institute is a company, registered in England and Wales No. 06574762 and registered office:c/o Sayer Vincent LLP, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG

By completing and submitting to us your booking request, you are confirming your agreement to these terms & conditions. For the purposes of clarification, the contracting parties shall be the Nuclear Institute (as the provider of conferences/seminars) and either you or your employing organisation (as the recipient of the services).

Completed application forms should be returned to the address above, along with the correct payment. Bookings for our events can also be made via email or through our website. We prefer payment by credit or debit card at time of booking. In case this is not possible for you, we are happy to arrange an invoice. Please do note that invoices are payable within 30 working days from date of invoice, and all payments for events must be received prior to the event or we reserve the right to refuse entry. In case you register at short notice (less than 30 days in advance), we will require payment by credit or debit card only to secure your place.

Attendance at the event will only be confirmed on receipt of the full balance.

Cancellation, postponement and substitution policy

All cancellations, alterations or amendments must be received in writing, preferably via email to events@nuclearinst.com.

Replacement delegates are welcome at any time.

Written cancellations received 30 or more working days prior to the date of the event date will receive a full refund, subject to an administration charge of £30 plus VAT. Cancellations received 29 working days or less prior to the event will not receive a refund.  Additional conditions may apply for individual events.

The Nuclear Institute reserves the right to cancel any event. In this case, the full fee will be refunded. In the event that the Nuclear Institute postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend on the rescheduled date, you will receive a full refund of the fee paid. The Nuclear Institute is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event.

Please note that while speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, the Nuclear Institute reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.


The Nuclear Institute does not accept liability for any injuries or losses of any nature incurred by delegates and /or accompanying persons, nor for loss or damage to their personal belongings.

Force Majeure

In the event the premises where an event is being held shall, in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, become unfit or unavailable for occupancy, or shall be substantially interfered with by reason of fire, flood, tempest or any other such cause or as a result of government intervention, malicious damage, acts of war, acts of God, strike, lockout, labour, dispute, picketing, embargo, injunctions, riot or any other cause or agency over which the Organiser has no control; or should the Organiser decide that owing to any such cause or agency it is necessary or advisable to curtail, relocate or change the date of an event/dinner/exhibition or reduce the planned period for preparation, display or dismantling, the contracting party waives any and all claims it might have against the Organiser for refunds, damage or expenses.

Under these circumstances the Organiser reserves the right, without being under any liability to the contracting party for refunds, additional expenses or otherwise, to change the location and/or date of the event exhibition, conference or dinner upon reasonable notice.

In the event the activity is cancelled as a result of the circumstances stipulated above the contracting party agree to accept in complete settlement and discharge any claims against the Organiser. The event activity may be cancelled by the Organiser as a result of any reasons which in the opinion of the Organiser make it commercially prudent to do so, such as lack of support, when all charges paid by delegates will be refunded. The contracting party agrees that under these circumstances it will have no further claim against the Organiser.

Booking Forms

Conditions of booking: The Nuclear Institute, a company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 06574762 Registered office: c/o Sayer Vincent LLP, 110 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TG

By completing and submitting to us your booking request, you are confirming your agreement to these terms and conditions. For the purposes of clarification, the contracting parties shall be The Nuclear Institute (as the provider of a dinner event, seminar and exhibition) and either you or your employing organisation (as the recipient of the services). Completed application forms should be returned to the address above, along with the correct payment.