Gwen is a highly experienced CEO and nuclear operations professional, with outstanding leadership, communication, engagement and influencing skills, with experience at a senior level in project development and delivery, governance, safety, security and nuclear oversight and assurance.
Gwen is the interim CEO of Great British Nuclear. She was previously CEO of Magnox and has led teams and projects in Magnox, Advanced Gas Reactor, Candu, Pressurised Water Reactor and Advance Boiling Water Reactor technologies.
She has worked extensively with senior-level technical, scientific, professional, government, local community, unions and regulatory bodies. Gwen has both UK and international experience across the energy generation sector, including in nuclear, conventional, renewables and storage technologies.
Gwen is the only woman in the UK to have held the post of Station Director at a UK civil nuclear facility and was awarded the honour of Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 2015 for her lifetime’s work in services to Science and Technology.
She has a BSc(Hons) in Physics from the University of Manchester and an MA in Banking and Finance from the European Business Academy, University College of North Wales. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and an Honorary Fellow of the Nuclear Institute.