Everyone who joins the NI agrees to abide by the Nuclear Institute Code of Conduct.
A Code of Conduct sets out how professionals should deal with particular issues or situations, their responsibilities to the public and the industry, and expected standards of behaviour expected. The Code can act not only as a set of rules, but as a guide through professional life.
By joining us and signing up to the Code, you are making a pledge to professionalism in all you do. That means that you are holding yourself up to high standards, something that benefits your career and your personal brand. It means you care about what you do; and you care about nuclear and its role in society, and you take responsibility for your actions.
The NI’s Code is reviewed regularly to make sure it continues to reflect the needs of the nuclear sector and the expectations of wider society.
NI Code of Conduct - four fundamental principles
1. Accuracy and rigour – members have a duty to ensure that they acquire and use wisely and faithfully the knowledge and skills needed in their work in the service of others.
2. Honesty and integrity – members should adopt the highest standards of professional conduct, openness, fairness and honesty
3. Respect for life, law and the public good - members should give due weight to all relevant law, facts and published guidance, and the wider public interest
4. Responsible leadership: listening and informing - members should aspire to high standards of leadership and accountability and are expected to demonstrate that they are seeking to serve wider society and to be sensitive to public concerns.
Nuclear Institute Code of Conduct
Read and download the NI Code of Conduct here
View and download
Image credit: EDF