Nuclear Future Journal


Published six times a year and free to all members, Nuclear Future is the journal of the Nuclear Institute. 

It contains quality articles on both technical and non-technical nuclear subject matter, plus analysis and technical features and updates about the nuclear community. It also contains a regular message from our President, the latest on industry news as well as updates from our NI Communities. It provides a chance to increase your knowledge of the nuclear industry as well as get involved in many of our activities.

Most importantly it is FREE for members.

Current Issue

NF cover Jan Feb2025 CorhynParr
January/February 2025
  • Interview: Corhyn Parr HonFNucI, NWS
  • Technical Papers
  • Demistifying mentoring 
  • The international system of nuclear safety, security and safeguards

Access is for members only. Not a member? Join now



Advertising in Nuclear Future  +

The Nuclear Institute membership body includes professionals from all over the nuclear sector, from technical occupations to policy and research and everyone from early years professionals to the most eminent in the nuclear field. 

Advertising in Nuclear Future means getting to over 4000 readers (including online version) all engaged in the nuclear industry. In addition we can offer you job advertising to over 9000 newsletter suscribers, plus reach via our website and social media. 

Advertise with us


Write for Nuclear Future  +

Our editors are always looking for good quality content to include in Nuclear Future. There are two main options for contributions:

Technical papers

Nuclear Future is a registered journal (ISSN 17452058) and technical papers will be registered with a Crossref DOI (Digital Object Identifier) identifying it as academic or professional research. This will put your paper as part of the world’s largest registry of DOIs and metadata for scholarly research, connecting it with 150 million other records from ~151 countries. 

If you are interested in writing for us, please submit an abstract of 200-300 words to the Technical Editor, Dr Alastair Baker, at:

The following guidance documents will also be of use:

Schedule for upcoming submissions

2025 Issue Publication Abstract Paper
20.1 Jan/Feb 02/08/2024 20/09/2024
20.2 March/April 25/10/2024 13/12/2024
20.3 May/June 13/12/2024 31/01/2025
20.4 July/August 14/02/2025 04/04/2025
20.5 September/October 18/04/2025 06/06/2025
20.6 November/December 13/06/2025 01/08/2025
News and features 

If you are interested in submitting a non-technical feature or items of news/interest from the NI Communities then please contact the Editor, Will Gray, at: The following guidance document will also be of use:

Guidelines for contributing authors


Subcribe to Nuclear Future  +

Nuclear Future is also available by subscription to non-members, at the following rates for 2025:

  • UK subscribers: £405
  • Overseas subscribers: £435 (inclusive of postage and packaging)

Agents may take a 20% discount. If you are interested in subscribing to the journal, please contact: 

phone-greyonwhite 03303 410572


Nuclear Future Archive 

Members are able to access all previous issues of the journal in a PDF format here (log-in required). 
