Clearance and Exemption Working Group (CEWG)

About Us

The objective of the group is the achievement and documentation of consensus agreement amongst industry, regulators and wider stakeholders on what is good practice for clearance of materials under current UK legislation via the good Practice Guide (GPG).

  • Improved arrangements across industry and greater consistency in those arrangements.
  • Sharing of best practices and learning from others experiences (good and bad)
  • Maintenance of a National Good Practice guide
  • Source of authoritative advice and guidance
  • Focal point for influence of, and expert response to, new legislation development and consultation
  • Built trust with regulators and improved engagement
  • Dramatic savings in waste disposal cost where waste would have otherwise been wrongly disposed to the Low Level Waste Repository.

Benefits of the CEWG

The key benefit of this group is the sharing of best practices and learning from experiences (good and bad). The group provides a source of authoritative advice and guidance.

Achievement and documentation of consensus amongst industry, regulators and wider stakeholders on what constitutes good practice for clearance of materials under current UK legislation via the Good Practice Guide (formally the Nuclear Industry Code of Practice) on Clearance and Exemption Principles, Processes and Practices for Use by the Nuclear Industry.

Improved arrangements across industry and greater consistency in those arrangements.

Dramatic savings in waste disposal costs where waste would otherwise have been inappropriately disposed, for example to the Low Level Waste Repository.
Development and maintenance of a Good Practice Guide.
Focal point and expert response to new legislation consultation and development.

Built trust with regulators, government departments, and improved engagement.

Programme of Work

Future Programme

To encourage the UK to make use of permitted flexibilities in how the EU BSS is implemented to the advantage of UK industry

To assess and understand the impact of revised regulations on UK Nuclear Industry de-licencing and reactor closures.

To provide guidance to licensees, share best practice and disseminate learning from experiences.

To influence the content and retention of regulatory guidance following EPR.

Continue to promote the GPG via UK conferences and other means.

Continue to follow and influence national and international policy developments including IAEA / EU developments

Recent activity

The aim of the group is to develop & maintain a consistent approach to the clearance and exemption of radioactive wastes and materials across the nuclear industry.

Meetings also provide an opportunity for members to share experiences and comments on regulatory matters of interest.

Key Achievements

The group is very active in promoting good practice and helping operators solve issues.

The Good Practice Guide is kept up to date and is currently undergoing a revision to improve the usability of the guide and provision of case studies. 

The group has undertaken Peer Assists at sites as an open learning platform as part of the initiatives to share good practice. 

More Information

Useful Documents:

 Clearance and Radiological Sentencing: Principles, Process and Practices - Issue 2.01 May 2017 [3MB]

CEWG Annual Presentation December 2021

Contact Us:

For more information regarding this group please contact the Secretary:

  • David Tattam, GE Healthcare, Chair
  • Robin Wells, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Deputy Chair
  • Stephanie Bloomer, Westinghouse, Secretary -
  • Kevin Dodd, Cyclife UK, Sponsor