North East Branch: Xe-100 Technology, its construction and the Skills to Operate Hartlepool NPS
The Nuclear industry in the North East is set to grow and this is an opportunity for anyone with an interest to expand their knowledge.
Hartlepool Nuclear Power Station has been successfully operating for decades which is a tribute to its design, construction and operation. The grand old lady is coming to the end of her days but a new nuclear power plant is planned to replace it.
On Thursday 24th April the Nuclear Institute is holding an event at Hartlepool College in which will give an insight into how the X-Energy Xe-100 works, about its construction and the skills of the team that operate the current plant at Hartlepool.
The event will commence at 5.30 with the talks starting at 6pm and finishing about 7pm followed by pizza and drinks with an opportunity to network.
Welcome and housekeeping Gary Riches, Hartlepool College
Introduction James Bewley, NI North East Chair
The X-Energy Xe-100 Steve Coates, X-Energy
Xe-100 Construction Mick Renshaw, Cavendish Nuclear
Hartlepool NPS skills Grant Milwain, EDF
Questions and close