
About Us

The London and South East Branch is the newest branch of the Nuclear Institute, formed after a merger of the London and South East branches.

It covers members from the capital to those centred around former and current operating power stations at Sizewell in Suffolk, Bradwell in Essex and Dungeness in Kent. Our aims are to connect you with others in the sector, facilitate continued learning and give you opportunities to get involved in our activities. 

What we do

The London and South East Branch helps to promote the aims of the Nuclear Institute through an ongoing programme of educational and social events, including:

      • Nuclear-specific lectures, seminars and webinars
      • Technical tours and visits 
      • Annual Speaking Competition in collaboration with the Young Generation Network
      • Networking events for the regional nuclear community 
      • Outreach and public engagement activities



Involvement with our branch activity provides an excellent opportunity to build your networks within the nuclear industry and gain evidence to support applications for professional registration.

Events      JointheNI      Newsletter