About us
Programme of Work
Recent Activity
Much of work in past year has continued to be driven by the government’s programme of work to improve UK nuclear emergency planning and build on the outcomes of the reviews conducted following Fukushima.
Two face‐to‐face and 4 telecon meetings are planned each year to share experience and develop best practice in those aspects of nuclear emergency planning that are the responsibility of operators (both civil and defence sectors).
Key achievements
Over the past year we have:
- Significantly influenced DECC’s EP&R projects working effectively with the SDF representative on DECC’s Nuclear Emergency Programme Board (Paul Newman)
- Met commitments to ONR as part of the close‐out of Recommendation FR‐6 from the Weightman Report
- Played a significant role in the revision of national EP&R Guidance documents
- Provided a forum to share experience during ONR’s introduction of a “capability mapping” tool
- Issued a report on best practice on “onsite recovery”
- Developed a user‐friendly document resource on Resilience Direct as our information sharing network
- Reviewed our own overall performance with input from our SDF Sponsor
- Continued to promote the sharing of best practices
- Welcomed representatives from Horizon and NuGen and set up a “new build” sub‐group.
Future Programme
The future work programme for NEAF is to cContinue to influence developing DECC and ONR policies and so far as possible ensure members interests are protected focusing particularly on:
- Working with DECC on implementation of the new “extendibility assessments”; their work on an assurance process; reviews of the new Guidance; resolution of the outstanding issue of responsibility for “science advice”; the next round of the Cabinet’s National Risk Assessment; and the introduction of the new Joint Agency Modelling process (JAM).
- Continue to oversee ONR work on the review of REPPIR emergency planning areas; its application of capability mapping; and the drafting of a major new Technical Assessment Guide (TAG) covering all aspects of EP&R
- Proposals to revise REPPIR (including both ONR suggestions and HSE requirements due to the revised BSS Directive)
More Information
Useful documents
Links to other sites
No formal links with SDF sub‐groups, but close links to other national groups in other parts of the UK emergency planning area.
Contact Us
Chair: Chris Hall (EDF Energy) chris.hall@edf-energy.com
SDF Sponsor: Grant Watkinson (MoD)