About us
The National Nuclear Glove Box Forum (NNGF) has a mandate from the Nuclear Engineering Directors Forum (NEDF) to form a Sub Group in order to share learning and relevant good practice on matters relating to glove box containment systems. |
Our objectives are:
- To share amongst NNGF members glove box systems work practices whilst recognising ‘relevant good practice’ and suggesting implementation of such practices within each organisation.
- Improve the technical performance and safety of glove box systems and their users through sharing of knowledge and operational ‘Learning from Experience’ that will not infringe on member companies intellectual property rights or confidentiality obligations.
- Share information relating to items of equipment/ consumables in an endeavour to produce good practice guidance that may become an Industry Standard.
- Discuss ongoing developments that would benefit/ improve the safety standards within the NNGF member community.
- Offer an independent glove box subject matter peer review capability.
- Carry out investigations and collaborate on projects that will be of benefit to NNGF member organisations.
- Co-ordinate with other relevant NEDF Forums, the American Glovebox Society (AGS) and other national/ international bodies for the purpose of promoting industry relevant good practice and learning.
The NNGF meets three times a year to discuss issues relating to the whole life cycle of glove boxes and associated ancillary equipment, with additional subgroups formed as and when necessary. Current membership of the NNGF includes:
- Atomic Weapons Establishment plc (AWE plc)
- Sellafield Ltd
- National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)
- Dounreay Sites Restoration Ltd (DSRL)
- Babcock Marine and Technology (Devonport)
- Rolls-Royce Submarine Limited
Additional members who are users of glove box systems from within and outside the Nuclear industry will be welcomed as appropriate if agreement is reached between existing members.