HMS Sultan In Gosport, the home of the Defence School of Marine Engineering (including nuclear training) and the Royal Naval Air Engineering and Survival School, hosted a Worshipful Companies and Professional Engineering Institutes (PEI) day on 11 October 2018. Dick Francis, Education & Training Officer for the NI Central England Branch and Clive Smith, Chairman of the NI Membership Committee attended on behalf of the Nuclear Institute. Other PEIs attending included the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Royal Aeronautical Society. Masters and liverymen from the Worshipful Companies of Blacksmiths, Engineers, Fuellers, Plumbers, Shipwrights and Turners and Women in Science and Engineering were also in attendance.
Captain Peter Towell OBE, HMS SULTAN’s Commanding Officer, hosted the event and along with his team they showcased the strength and breadth of the engineering training they provide from introductory engineering, for newly joined technicians, to post-graduate education.
The event included visits to a number of the establishment’s facilities including workshops, ship’s machinery and helicopters for practical technical learning, high fidelity simulators and platform management systems specific to classes of vessel, plus state of the art e-learning and virtual reality training, to enhance traditional classroom teaching. As well as presentations from the staff, the attendees were also inspired by talks from students who highlighted how HMS SULTAN delivers not just the engineering competence they need but also the people skills to equip them for a fulfilling career and an exciting lifestyle.
Attendees were also treated to a ride in the 83 year-old Super Sentinel steam lorry, to transport them around the establishment.
Dick and Clive’s aim for the day was to further engagement and collaboration between HMS Sultan and the NI Central England Branch through provision of a number of events/talks to enhance continuous professional development (CPD). A point of contact has been agreed with the Nuclear Training Department, for NI Central England Branch activities. NI will also take forward endorsement of HMS SULTAN’s nuclear training pipelines to assist in enabling professional membership of the NI. Many of their courses having already been accredited for Engineering Council registration by other PEIs.
Captain Peter Towell OBE, with his Professional Institutions and Worshipful Companies guests at HMS Sultan.