Rajiv Iyer MNucI
What was your route into the nuclear industry?
After completing my master's in structural engineering at the University of Mumbai, I joined Tata Consulting Engineers, a division of the renowned Tata Group focused on core engineering. I entered the nuclear department and have since been involved in various nuclear projects in India, covering new builds, waste management, and processing.
In 2018, I moved to France and became associated with the EPR (European Pressurized Reactor) technology, specifically its implementation in India. I am currently working on six planned EPR units in India and have expanded my focus to include EPR projects for other countries, as well as Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology.
Why did you become a member of the Nuclear Institute?
Being in the nuclear industry for nearly 18 years, joining the Nuclear Institute felt like a natural step. The Institute's emphasis on nuclear safety, security, and technology aligns closely with my daily work. My active involvement in these aspects led me to believe that affiliating with the Nuclear Institute would further enhance my commitment to the industry.
What do you see as the benefits to you of professional membership?
Professional membership offers multiple benefits, but two stand out for me. Firstly, it reinforces my commitment to the field, and secondly, it provides an opportunity to interact with like-minded professionals.
Recently, I joined the SMR Special Interest Group, and through my expression of interest, we are planning to co-author an article on the topic of SMRs for a publication scheduled in May or June.
How did you find the application process, and do you have any tips for aspiring Nuclear Institute members?
My personal experience of the application process was clear and comprehensive, outlining the criteria for candidates to become Members and progress to Fellows. Having taken the initial steps towards becoming a mentor, I am supporting a colleague from Tata Group who is currently in the UK and aspiring to become a Nuclear Institute member. My advice to aspiring members is to follow the guidelines and seek mentorship from the NI thoroughly.
What's next for you? What are your next steps?
My next steps involve collaborating with more professionals in the nuclear sector. I aim to promote professional membership within my company and explore sponsorship opportunities for events organised by the Nuclear Institute.
As my company is delving into the digital aspects of the nuclear sector, I am particularly interested in attending the forthcoming digital conference organized by the Nuclear Institute to gain a competitive advantage in this evolving landscape.