UK Nuclear Industry (civil) Security Sub Group

UK Nuclear Industry (civil) Security Sub Group

Terms of Reference


  • To ensure the UK’s Civil Nuclear Security Industry shares a common understanding on the necessary outcomes e.g. strategy, organisation, responsibilities which are required to deliver the changes in the Governments and regulators Nuclear Security Objectives.
  • To develop and oversee the industries high level programme to achieve the necessary outcomes.
  • To share information across the civil sector and with the defence sector.


  • To develop and agree with all the relevant stakeholders guidance on the following civil nuclear security:
    • Culture,
    • Infrastructure,
    • Resources (incl. SQEP requirements),
    • Processes.
  • To develop and agree a top level implementation plan for the UK civil nuclear industry on the above.
  • Deliverables should allow sites/companies to implement security requirements on a basis which is proportional to their security risk Statement of Objectives and Benefits.

Periodicity of meetings

  • Initially monthly then as required.


  • Alignment and common understanding of government, regulators and industry on key civil nuclear security matters.
  • Consistent, risk based approach across all the key players resulting in more cost effective implementation and regulation e.g. the implementation of NORMS.
  • Access of all key players in the civil nuclear security industry to world experts and leading edge approaches by the involvement of organisations such as WINS and NSAN.
  • The development of guidance and best practice which is tailored to the UK approach to civil nuclear security which will result in the adoption of a culture of continuous improvement and higher levels of performance.
  • Increased confidence in the management of civil nuclear security in the UK by all the industries stakeholders.

Annual Summary

  • Guidance on the Key Attributes of an Excellent Nuclear Security Culture was published in June 2013 signed off by DECC, ONR and the industry. The work was also endorsed by NSAN and WINS.
  • Development on security competencies has begun with one workshop and several meetings held (including one hosted by NSAN were they presented their competency framework. The subgroup agreed the framework should be used for security competencies.
  • The initial membership of the sub group (DECC, ONR and Industry) has been supplemented by the invitation of further stakeholders and experts such as WINS, NSAN, National Nuclear Laboratory, NDA, CPNI, UCLAN, CNC.
  • The sub group is supporting work with the senior management of nuclear companies on security matters.

Useful Documents

1. Key Attributes of an Excellent Nuclear Security Culture

Contact us

Chair - Eddie Marrett
Sponsor - Mike Harrison


Industry representatives

  • Sellafield Ltd
  • EDF Energy
  • Magnox Ltd
  • Nugeneration
  • GE Healthcare
  • LLWR
  • Horizon
  • ONR
  • NDA
  • DECC

Invited Expert Organisations

  • WINS
  • NSAN
  • NNL
  • CPNI
  • CNC
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