About Us
The stated purpose of the Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) is “to examine the requirements for the safe transport of radioactive material with a view to standardisation and, as appropriate, produce and maintain guidance in the form of Standards documentation”.
The TCSC is a UK nuclear industry club whose main function is to maintain and develop codes of practice relating to radioactive materials transport.
The group provides a number of benefits:
- Common standards for the UK radioactive transport industry;
- A nuclear industry forum for discussion and resolution of technical issues associated with the safe transport of radioactive material, based on operational learning from experience;
- Guidance provided in TCSC documentation reflects that considered to be good practice and complementary to the application of modern standards in compliance with regulations;
- Provides a mechanism for improvement to IAEA advisory material from the development of UK custom and practice that provides interpretation of regulatory requirements and supports the demonstration of compliance;
- A support network for development of self-approval packaging’s and provide guidance on issues that arise during design, testing and approval to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements;
- A source of authoritative information; and,
- An industry interface with the regulator that facilitates a common interpretation of regulatory requirements.
Programme of Work
Recent activity
To examine the requirements for the safe transport of radioactive material with a view to standardisation and, as appropriate, produce and maintain guidance in the form of standards documentation.
Now established as a CLG with 4 meeting per year (plus an AGM associated with the May meeting). Additional meetings of ad-hoc sub-groups as necessary.
Key achievements
- Maintaining RMT industry links and providing an advice forum
- Publication of 18 TCSC standards relating to the transport of radioactive material
- Influencing IAEA regulations and UK regulators
- Formation of CLG
Future Programme
- Review and update of Standards
- Identification and production of new Standards
- Closer working with other national and international standards bodies
More Information
Useful Documents
The Published Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) codes of practice (link to TCSC website)
Links to Other Sites
TCSC website
The TCSC works closely with RAMTUC.
Contact Us
For information regarding the group please contact:
James McNally Chair
Peter Lock, SDF Sponsor