Young Nuclear Professionals' Forum

YNSPF logoAbout Us

The Young Nuclear Professionals’ Forum began in 2016 simply as a good idea; since then it has developed into a 60 strong group delivering valuable outputs to our sponsors, the Nuclear Industry Safety Directors’ Forum and the Nuclear Engineering Directors’ Forum.

Members of the YNPF consist of individuals within the first five years of their nuclear careers, inclusive of apprentices and graduates. YNPF members are from nuclear licensed sites, Ministry of Defence nuclear authorised sites, companies with major nuclear interests and regulatory bodies. The YNPF meets regularly to discuss current and future programmes of work and to facilitate the sharing of knowledge.


  • Establish a communal resource pool, provided by the group’s parent companies, as a taskable commodity to undertake actions, research, report compilation and presentation delivery to order to achieve the missions of both the SDF and NEDF.
  • Facilitate the collaboration and communication of young people throughout the Nuclear Industry.
  • Provide a starting point for members to get involved in the SDF, NEDF and their subgroups with the potential for joining these groups in the future. This can be in a number of ways including as a SDF subgroup secretary.
  • Provide a personal development opportunity for members in areas such as communication, leadership, project management and reporting experience. Enable members to gain technical experience, which may relate to, or be different from, their day-to-day work.
  • Ensure the YNPF is managed in a way to create enduring support to the SDF and NEDF for future years

Programme of Work

Recent activity

  • 2017 Q4 meeting: Sellafield, Cumbria
  • 2018 Q2 meeting: Dounreay, Thurso

  • Second Annual YNPF Conference, kindly hosted by EDF, Gloucester
  • Completion of the New Nuclear Generation task with report and final presentation delivered to the SDF at their 2018 Q1 meeting.
  • Completion of the Storage Solution task with results presented to the SDF at the 2017 Q4 meeting.
  • Completion of the ‘Implications of Brexit’ task with results delivered at the SDF’s 2018 Q1 meeting
  • Handover to new Chairpersons

Key Challenges

  • Turnover of membership can affect momentum of the group.
  • Continuity of the group as key members prepare to step down. 
  • Lack of response from membership to group communications

More Information

Useful Documents

YNPF Welcome Pack

YNPF Newsletter - Q1 2016

Generational Analysis for the Recruitment and Retention of Talent within the Nuclear Industry v1.0

Conference material / pictures

 Task list of published tasks

Links to other sites


Contact Us:
Chairs - 
Communications Officers - 
Sponsor - Grant Watkinson