Developing skills for the future
The UK has an ambitious nuclear programme, which according to industry estimates, requires around 111,000 full time employees by 2021. This means that around 9,000 FTEs per year will need to be recruited, trained and deployed in the next 4-5 years. Whilst this is a huge boost for our industry, it is also challenging to meet this level of growth, both in terms of supply of labour, but also the types of skills, standards, training infrastructure and provision that will need to be in place to deliver this agenda.
The Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG) is the industry-led strategic group, comprising employers, government and trade unions, created to address these issues. It is the UK’s lead strategic skills forum for nuclear representing both the civil and defence nuclear sectors, and is accountable for developing a strategic approach to nuclear skills, addressing the skills infrastructure, processes and training provision needed to secure the required supply of qualified and competent people.
The NSSG published its Strategic Plan in December 2016. This plan provides a focus for industry and government to work together in support of this strategic sector of the economy. The NSSG on behalf of the industry is working with other organisations, including the Nuclear Institute and National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) to create the right frameworks and approaches to address these issues (see below for details of helpful resources).
Delivering the Sector Skills Strategy
Courses and programmes
The National College for Nuclear and the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) will lead the delivery of the NSSG Skills Strategy, in conjunction with other organisations. See below for useful resources for employers and employees.
Industry standards and nuclear professionalism
The Nuclear Institute as the professional membership body for nuclear and standard bearer for professionalism within the industry, works closely with these organisations, to ensure that future employees are 'nuclear fit' and aligned in understanding and behaviours with the requirements of the Nuclear Delta®.
National Skills Academy, Nuclear (NSAN) Established to ensure that the UK nuclear industry and its supply chain has the skilled, competent and safe workforce it needs to deal with the current and future UK nuclear programme.
Nuclear Gateway The new Nuclear Gateway will support the nuclear industry by actively retaining and re-deploying talented individuals within the industry. The Gateway is a collaboration between the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG), the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and the National Skills Academy Nuclear (NSAN).
- Web-based Gateway platform based on an easy to use database of employers and employers.
- The system will act in part as a matching service for employer and employee, enabling you to find the right employer, and for them to find you.
The system will aid in delivering the identified replacement and expansion demand of 6,830 FTEs per annum required for the planned nuclear civil and defence programme in the UK. The system will become fully operational for use in December 2017.
National College for Nuclear The flagship National College for Nuclear (NCfN), a partnership between industry, national regulators, skills bodies and training providers, it is set to revolutionise the way that training for the nuclear sector is delivered.
- The College is one of five National Colleges that will deliver high-level technical training to thousands of learners across England.
- Set across two hubs (one in Somerset and one in Cumbria) the College will develop, and deliver, the UK's nuclear curriculum.
- New qualifications and training courses that are attractive to learners and meet the demand for highly skilled workers in the nuclear sector.
- It will also offer courses designed by employers for a range of highly specialised careers.
Major employers Sellafield Ltd and EDF Energy will lead industry input into the nuclear college, working alongside Lakes and Bridgwater & Taunton Colleges, plus higher education providers, University of Cumbria and University of Bristol.
Cogent Skills Cogent Skills is the parent body and acts as the strategic partner to industry and provider of support to the Science Industry Partnership (SIP), Downstream Advisory Council (DAC) and the Nuclear Skills Strategy Group (NSSG), which are now fully established and developing as Membership forums. Cogent Skills has an important role in coordinating the collation, analysis and reporting on Labour Market Intelligence on behalf of the industry and producing the Nuclear Workforce Assessment.
The NSSG has produced the Apprenticeship Map to guide organisations to find the right apprenticeships for emplpoyers . Click on the link to download the Apprenticeship Map.