Modelling in Nuclear Science and Engineering 2024

The 7th Modelling in Nuclear Science and Engineering Seminar aims to promote the development and applications of computational methods in nuclear sciences and engineering. This is to share good practices with the nuclear industry in developing numerical methods and computer simulations. The Seminar includes invited speakers, special technology leaders and presentations from the nuclear industry, national institutions and academia.

This Seminar will again extend over a day and a half with keynote speakers and presentations from industry, operators and academia on a range of topics supporting the nuclear sector and the wider supply chain including co-generation and alternative fuels. 

On the evening of the first day, there will be a dinner to enable further networking between delegates, taking place at the conference venue. 

Previous keynote speakers have come from the International Atomic Energy Agency, Great British Nuclear, University of Cambridge and National Nuclear Laboratory amongst many others. 


Abstract Submissions: Submit by 16th September

Authors should consider the following themes in developing their abstract. The Organising Committee will also consider submissions for poster presentations. 

  • Developments supporting ANTs, AMRs, SMRs and propulsion.
  • Advances in materials modelling and fuel development.
  • AI, innovation and recent developments in reactor performance and safety modelling.
  • Reactor thermal hydraulics, fuel performance, neutronics, instabilities, criticality and shielding.
  • Uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, data assimilation and digital twins.
  • Modelling techniques to optimise and support design and process developments.
  • Plant extension and end-of-life studies.
  • Fuel cycle facilities, decommissioning activities, waste management.
  • Multi-physics and multi-scale modelling.
  • Co-generation, energy systems, hydrogen generation.
  • Experimental techniques supporting modelling validation activities.

Previous years' Abstract Brochures are available to view here (NI log-in required). 

Abstract Submission timetable



Abstract submission 

16th September

Confirmation of acceptance

30th September

Final abstract submission

10th October  

Final presentation submission

20th October

Submission Portal

Abstract submissions are open until Monday 16th September, but the Organising Committee will review and allocate presentations on an ongoing basis.  

Submit Abstract


Registration: Open now

Registration Type

Price (excl. VAT)

Earlybird registration (until 4th October)


NI Member 


Non Member 


NI Young Generation Network (NI members under 37 years of age)  


*Student member (UG, PG and PhD) 


*Student non-member (UG, PG and PhD) 


Dinner (not included in delegate registration)


*To be eligible for either of the Student rates, you must be in full-time education and if you wish to book to get this rate, please email



Align your organisation with this conference, which has built a reputation within the nuclear modelling community as a key event to share knowledge, connect and meet new collaborators.

With a substantial attendance from academia, including PhD students, this provides opportunities for recruitment of highly-skilled young people who are looking to join the nuclear industry.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact

View Sponsorship Brochure


Who should attend? 

This seminar is aimed at those working on modelling and simulation, multiphysics, data science and related topics relevant to the nuclear industry, both in industry and academia. Early career researchers and PhD students are also encouraged to submit to present to connect with the wider modelling community. 

Previous attendee feedback

"The event was a platform to connect industry and academic modellers in nuclear. Speakers and attendees came from a diverse range of backgrounds, including artificial intelligence, safety, reactor design, fuel performance modelling, multiphysics and multiscale modelling". 

"I was absolutely amazed by the variety of work & advancements that have made in the nuclear industry. All speakers were absolutely fantastic. I learnt a lot from what they shared."

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Attending the conference


The Seminar will take place at voco Manchester - City Centre, formerly The Brooklyn Hotel. for directions and practical information, see more information.

The Agenda is expected to begin at 09:00 on Thursday 7th November, ending at around 15:00 on Friday 8th November. 


Organising Committee
  • Chair: Prof Ali Tehrani FNucI, Office for Nuclear Regulation
  • Prof Christopher Pain, Imperial College London
  • Prof Paul Smith, Jacobs
  • Dr Andrew Buchan, Queen Mary University London
  • Prof Panagiota Angeli, University College London
  • Dr Amir Nourian, University of Salford
  • Dr Tatiana Ivanova - Head of Division of Nuclear Science, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Dr Mark Bankhead, National Nuclear Laboratory