NEDF Sub-Groups

The Engineering Directors Forum has a strong focus on improvement across the industry. It has a number of subject-specific sub-groups looking in detail at issues facing the industry.

  • Facilitate continuous improvement opportunities within the member organisations by sharing best practices in respect of operational safety standards and implementation arrangements
  • To formulate agreed industry policies and practices
  • Provide a forum for effective sharing of knowledge and experience

The following sub-groups have pages on this website - follow the link in the acronym to visit the sub-groups page:

Acronym Title
EESG Electrical Engineering Sub Group
MMWG Maintenance Managers Working Group
NNFL National Nuclear Lifting Forum
NNGF National Nuclear Glove Box Forum
NNVF National Nuclear Ventilation Forum
YNPF Young Nuclear Professionals Forum

To get in contact with any of the subgroups please contact: