News & Insights


CEB YGN Event - An Audience with Stephen Sanders

On 24th January, Central England Branch of the Nuclear Institute held “An Audience with Stephen Sanders” YGN event in which Strategic Director of Remote Operations at Veolia Nuclear Solutions, Stephen Sanders, gave an entertaining and comprehensive overview of his career history to an intimate audience.

Stephen’s career has seen him work in many different roles across the nuclear industry (and outside the industry), from winning an apprenticeship in a computer company; to getting suited and booted to work inside the JET Tokamak; being a founding member of Oxford Technologies; and now delivering major contracts across the globe, to name just a few. Stephen gave the audience numerous pieces of advice to help them in their own careers, with a major point being to seize opportunities and say yes!  Stephen noted that one of the biggest downfalls people have is the fear of failing and the secret to success is to ignore this worry and just try out new things and experiences.  Ultimately there are no failures as the lessons learnt will be a success in themselves.  The event was well received, and attendees left feeling inspired and motivated. Thank you to Stephen for discussing his career and giving the audience an insight into how to become a Strategic Director.

written by:

Maddie Knight
21 February 2019