The YGN Annual Day Seminar & Dinner took place on Thursday 29 October 2015 at The Rum Warehouse – Titanic Hotel, Liverpool.
The Day Seminar theme was Nuclear: Made in The UK. The day seminar featured excellent presentations and engaging panel sessions. The YGN organising team would like the thank the following speakers, panellists and panel session chairs: Darren Ennis (Sellafield Ltd), Jack Astbury (BAE Systems), Paul Butler (Office for Nuclear Regulation), Jane Bowie (Office for Nuclear Regulation), Alan Ruiz (Amec Foster Wheeler), Adrian Davis-Johnston (Innovus UK), Mike Tynan (Nuclear AMRC), Dennis Thompson (Low Level Waste Repository), Professor Steve Cowley (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy), Sam Slater (FS Nuclear) and our YGN National Speaking Competition 2015 winner Helen Blue (Rolls-Royce).
The Annual Dinner, followed the day seminar and had the theme: Acceptable in the 80s. We would like to thank the Chief Executive, National Skills Academy Jean Llewellyn OBE , who gave an impassioned pre-dinner address to the delegates.
During the dinner a charity raffle and auction was held to support the charity Down Syndrome Liverpool. The following image illustrates all the organisations that kindly donated prizes and we would like to thank them all for their generosity. Their kind donations and the support of all the attendees meant that just over £3000 was raised. The full list of prizes can be viewed here (attachment).
The organising team would also like to thank our Annual Seminar and Dinner sponsors, whose support enabled us to host such a great event.
Platinum Sponsor: Amec Foster Wheeler
Gold Sponsors: CRA (Corporate Risk Associates) and Capenhurst Nuclear Services.
Champagne Sponsor: Abbott Risk Consulting
Silver Sponsors (In alphabetical order): Ansaldo NES, Areva, Atkins, DBD, Kurion and Sellafield Ltd.
Commenting on the event, YGN Chair 2015 Melissa Loyley said: “It was great to see so many enthusiastic people engaging with our speakers and participating in the panel sessions during the day seminar. Overall the dinner and day seminar were a great success. I would like to personally thank all of our speakers, sponsors, the attendees, raffle and auction prize donors, the organising team, suppliers and venue for making this all possible.”
If you missed out on the seminar and dinner, you can view some of the action on Twitter via #YGNADS or @NI_YGN