Women in Nuclear UK (WiN UK) welcomes the announcement of the nuclear sector deal. It’s good news for the nuclear industry and excellent news for Women in Nuclear and the work we’ve been doing for several years. Since WiN UK’s inception the number of women in the industry has risen from 17% to 22%.
Following the high profile of gender diversity and women’s empowerment at the recent G7 summit, it’s particularly pleasing to see that our own government includes improving gender balance in the nuclear industry as a top 3 issue: a top 3 issue in a £200m deal to ensure the success of the industry and cheaper energy for customers.
Jack Gritt, President of WiN UK said:
“Recognition that gender diversity is essential to the future success of the nuclear industry is a very powerful message and one that should inspire both men and women in the industry to act. We have a firm and stretching target - to move of from the current 22% female workforce to 40% by 2030. This is not only achievable with the right strategy but vital if we are to ensure the nuclear industry is able to succeed and meeting the innovation-led cost savings that are part of the deal. Women in Nuclear UK has been working hard to progress this agenda for several years now and will continue to be at the forefront of improving gender balance in the industry.”
There are highlights already. The Office for Nuclear Regulation - the CEO of which is WiN UK’s Patron, Adrienne Kelbie - has a 36% female workforce. Under Adrienne’s leadership, the ONR has gone from strength, recognised in the fact that her contract has just been extended for a further 3 years. Our own Industry Guidance work provides practical advice to nuclear companies who want to address their own gender balance issues. We’ve had over 59 companies sign up to our Industry Charter which sets out commitments and actions in support of addressing gender diversity. We hope that many more will work with us now that the government has set this firm and challenging target.
- Women in Nuclear UK is part of a global organisation focused on improving the representation of women in the nuclear industry at all levels. In the UK, WiN is also part of the Nuclear Institute. Our mission is to address the nuclear industry’s gender balance, improve the representation of women in leadership and provide support to companies who want to achieve these goals.
- Our Industry Charter sets out a series of aims for companies who want to commit to addressing gender balance. The full text can be found here: https://www.nuclearinst.com/write/MediaUploads/WiN%20UK/WiN_Industry_Charter_June2016.pdf
For more information about Women in Nuclear visit www.nuclearinst.com/women-in-nuclear