The running of the Arkwright summer school was led by the Smallpeice Trust this year and this meant it was open to all Arkwright scholars rather than just those supported by the industry. As a result 28 young scholars attended the week at the University of Manchester and the NI took part in helping to contribute speakers. Many thanks to all the volunteers and we hope it will inspire others to get involved next year.
The Arkwright Scholars scheme has a good track record of getting young people into engineering and the feedback from the scholars proves the value of this scheme:
“I really enjoyed the variation in the programme since it gave us such a carried understanding of the nuclear industry. I particularly enjoyed the visit to Heysham and Nuclear AMRC since I learnt a lot about the challenged the nuclear industry is facing and how new ideas are being applied to bring new solutions into the field. Until now I hadn't considered becoming an engineer in the nuclear industry, but these experiences have encouraged me to consider it as a career after University. Thank you!”
“the fuel cycle was very interesting and made me aware of the issues regarding the fuel”
“Really enjoyed it, thanks”
If your company hasn’t been involved in this scheme previously it costs just over £2000 to support a scholar on the scheme – please contact Sarah on 020 7816 2601 if you are interested.