Central England Branch held its Annual Dinner at Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel on Thursday, 10 October 2019. Over 160 guests attended the dinner. The dinner was hosted by Chairman of the Branch, Dr Mehdi Askarieh.
As usual, there was a charity raffle and auction which raised a total sum of £2730 + Gift Aid. The chosen charities were The Stroke Association and Pancreatic Cancer research Fund.
The Stoke Association helps people to rebuild their lives after a stroke. The Association provides specialist support, funds critical research and campaigns to make sure those affected get the best care and support.
The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund is dedicated to defeating pancreatic cancer by funding innovative research. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all cancers – just 3% of those diagnosed survive for five years. It is also the only cancer that has seen no improvement in this figure over the last 40 years.
The donation cheques (£1365 + Gift Aid for each charity) were presented to Dr Adrian Bodimeade (The Stoke Association) and to Mr Dick Francis (on behalf of The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund) on27 November on the occasion of CEB monthly lecture meeting at Ridgeway House, Harwell, Oxfordshire.

Cheque presented to Dr Adrian Bodimeade, The Stroke Association (left) by Dr Mehdi Askarieh, Chairman of NI CEB (centre) and Dr John Williams, Treasurer of NI CEB (right).

Mr Dick Francis (left) accepting a cheque on behalf of The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund from Dr Dr Mehdi Askarieh, Chairman of NI CEB (centre) and Dr John Williams, Treasurer of NI CEB (right).