On 27th November, Mark Bankhead (Technologist, National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL)) gave a public lecture organised by Central England Branch of the Nuclear Institute and Thames Valley Branch of Association for Project Management (APM). More than 60 members of the NI and APM attended this lecture, which was held at Ridgeway House on the Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire.
The talk outlined how Digital Transformation is trending across multiple industry sectors. From high tech industries such as nuclear through to dynamic customer facing business in the retail and service sectors business are increasingly looking to technologies bracketed as ‘digital’ to give them a competitive edge. Many investments are simply being made on the fear of being left behind.
The talk explored some of the top trending technologies behind digital transformation and gave a straightforward assessment on where some of these technologies stand. Just enough information so that better-informed decisions can be made on when or if we try these out on nuclear industrial problems.

Mark Bankhead, NNL (left), Dr Mehdi Askarieh, Chairman of the NI CEB (centre) and Dr Stephen Walters, Thames Valley Branch of APM (right).