The European Nuclear Society has launched its annual Award to recognise an outstanding PhD thesis work. The ENS High Scientific Council (HSC) acts as the Selection Committee for this prestigious award.
In 2020 the UK's candidate, Stephanie Thornber won the award so we would like to see other candidates of Steph's calibre take part.
- Each ENS Member Society has the right to nominate one candidate.
- Open for candidates who have obtained a PhD in the field of nuclear science and engineering from a University of a country affiliated to ENS.
- Only for candidates who obtained a PhD degree a maximum of 36 months before the nomination by the ENS Member Society.
Your application should include:
- Your CV, including a contact email and phone number of the candidate

- A copy of the PhD. Diploma/Certificate showing the date it was awarded
- A recommendation letter (the letter should introduce the PhD work and highlight its significance in the research field: originality, importance and impact of the results)
- An extended summary of the PhD thesis
- A copy of any accepted publication directly related to your PhD studies
- Please send your applications to
- The closing date for UK applicants is 19 March 2021
- The applicant judged the best by the UK judges will be nominated to the ENS by 31 March
- 27 April 2021 the HSC will select four shortlisted candidates
- By 30 April 2021 candidates will be informed about the selection process results
- In October 2021 the four shortlisted candidates will present their PhD thesis’ results to the HSC in Brussels, Belgium. The HSC will apply commonly accepted selection criteria in the selection process.
- Note: candidates are expected to personally attend the interview in Brussels.
- The winner of the prestigious ENS HSC PhD Award will be offered a publication in the Open Access Journal EPJ-N and prize money of 2000€.
- An Award ceremony will be organised in conjunction with the ENS Member Society.