In March 2018, LLW Repository Ltd will have completed a decade of operations. Nuclear Future caught up with managing director Dennis Thompson, to reflect on LLWR’s work, achievements and lessons learned over the last ten years.
Since 2005, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has been responsible for the decommissioning and clean up of the UK’s civil public sector nuclear sites. Historically, low-level waste (LLW) has been stored at the UK’s national repository close to Drigg in Cumbria, managed since 2007 by Site Licence Company, LLW Repository Ltd (LLWR). In April 2008, LLWR began a new stage in its journey under the ownership of UK Nuclear Waste Management (UKNWM) following an NDA procurement to secure a parent body organisation for LLWR, the first site licence company to be competed.
UKNWM took ownership of LLWR with the responsibility for managing the repository, NDA retaining the ownership of the site and the nuclear liability. LLWR has achieved much during the past ten years, transforming the way that the UK manages low-level waste. Managing director Dennis Thompson, who has been there since the start, looks back over this period of change and evolution...
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