The NI prize for the best MSc student was awarded to Fiona O'Farrell at the University of Surrey's graduation ceremony on Saturday 12 April 2014.
The Master's Distinguished Performance Award is given annually to the best MSc Student at a university teaching a nuclear course. Fiona has an MSc in Radiation and Environmental Protection.
Prof. Zsolt Podolyak from the University of Surrey commented: "Fiona performed brilliantly in all aspects of the MSc course, working always at the highest level, being it theoretical work, experimental one in the radiation laboratory or research for her dissertation."
The award is £250 prize money, a signed NI commemorative certificate and a year’s membership at the appropriate grade of the NI. There are currently 11 universities involved in the scheme.
The prize was handed to Fiona by Prof. Patrick Regan FInstP CPhys, NPL Professor of Radionuclide Metrology at the University of Surrey.