Organised to inspire the next generation of public speakers, the annual Nuclear Institute Young Generation Network Speaking Competition encourages industry energy enthusiasts to present a talk directly related to “nuclear energy”.
On the 30th July 2019, the five finalists covered a range of fascinating topics, such as, small modular reactors, safety-critical steam supplies, the UK’s nuclear skills gap, chemochromic Pd-V205 hydrogen-sensitive coatings, and the nuclear industry’s role in rural regeneration.
Doosan Babcock was proud to host and sponsor the annual presentation competition for the Scottish branch of the Nuclear Institute.
Congratulations to all the finalists who delivered excellent presentations and gave the judges a very tough job picking the prize winners. First place was awarded to Neil Calder with his confident and knowledgeable presentation on small modular reactors – “where do I park my SMR?”. The runners-up were Roxana O’Hara from Dounreay Site Restoration Limited with her presentation on characterising the performance of chemochromic Pd-V2O5 hydrogen sensitive coatings for nuclear safety applications; and Euan Maclean from Doosan Babcock who gave us an insight into optimisation of safety-critical steam supply to Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant processes.
Well done to all the finalists!
Neil will now go on to represent the Scotland branch in the national final in Warrington on the 19th September – good luck Neil!

Picture (L-R): Euan Maclean, Doosan Babcock; Neil Calder, Hydrock; Greg Mallon, Jacobs; Josh Owens, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited; Roxana O’Hara, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited)