On May 14th, the Nuclear Institute North West Branch held its 68th Annual Dinner at the LCCC’s The Point, Old Trafford. Over 550 guests were in attendance from more than 45 of the most prestigious establishments in the UK nuclear sector.

The event was a great success with compliments flowing effusively to the staff of the host venue after a wonderful evening. The after dinner speakers embraced the levity of the evening with memorable anecdotes but in the wake of the preceding week's general election also took the opportunity to issue rallying cries to the nuclear sector.
In his after-dinner toast, Nuclear Institute President Rear Admiral Tim Chittenden gave his insight into the course the nuclear industry must take if it is to navigate the rough seas of public perception. RAdm Chittenden then had the pleasure to introduce the night’s very special Guest of Honour Dame Sue Ion- former President of one of the NI’s founder organisations, the BNES, and the only person to have received both of the Nuclear Institute’s most prestigious awards, the Hinton Medal and the Pinkerton Prize.
The Dinner was then rounded off in fine style by the ‘Celebrity Speaker’ Bill Turnbull, who related many anecdotal and amusing experiences from his early working career as a journalist/reporter and his time on BBC Breakfast through to becoming a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing to much hilarity and applause from the assembled diners. He concluded by auctioning in fine style, a pair of exclusive tickets for the Royal Henley regatta donated by Gareth Davies of DNA Limited for the benefit of the Christie Hospital charity to support their research into eradicating cancer managing to raise the very generous final bid of £500.
Finally, a charity tombola with prizes generously donated by the Corporate Members of the Nuclear Institute raised over £4500 for the ‘Save-the-Children Fund’ with proceeds going to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.
A full report on the NI NW Branch's 68th Annual Dinner will appear in the upcoming edition of Nuclear Future.