THE Science Council’s CPD Awards are back for 2020 to continue the celebration of outstanding CPD.
The CPD Awards are designed to celebrate outstanding professional development in science, showcasing examples of good practice and continuous improvement. They celebrate the professional development efforts and achievements of registrants across the four Science Council registers: Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach).
There was a record-breaking number of self-nominations for the CPD Awards last year and to build on that success, the CPD Awards 2020 will only be accepting self-nominations. Now is your time to shine – recognise your own outstanding work and skill set and nominate yourself for an award!
The CPD Awards 2020 open on 12 June. You will have the option to upload your CPD timeline you already keep, and through some additional questions you will have the opportunity to reflect upon this further.
Guidance on how to apply can be found here. Nominations close on Friday 31 July, winners will be notified by mid-September and the awards will be held online on 3 November.