There was success for several of our members at the 2024 NSAN Skills Awards. The ceremony took place in Manchester on Friday 15th March and was the 16th year of the awards, now firmly established in the industry calendar.
Nuclear Institute members win NSAN Awards
The winner of Postgraduate of the Year 2024 was Sophie Cooper of National Nuclear Laboratory. Sophie is an active volunteer with our North West Branch as Communications and University Officer. Well done to Antonio Di Buono, North West Branch University Liason Lead, who was also shortlisted in this category.

Elsewhere, Natasha Khan of Mott MacDonald won Graduate of the Year and Aleah Beattie of National Nuclear Laboratory was named Intermediate Apprentice of the Year.

Congratulations to all those who were nominated and we look forward to seeing their development as nuclear professionals.
Award for Nuclear Institute President
There was also an award for our President Dr Fiona Rayment OBE FNucI, who was awarded the NSAN Honorary President’s Award for her work on skills and enabling diversity.
Organisational member winners
As well as individual successes, some of our organisational members were also successful in their respective categories.
Morgan Sindall Infrastructure won the Sustainability through Skills Award, and Best Employer & Training Provider Partnership Award went to Bridgwater & Taunton College in partnership with EDF.