Five outstanding people and groups from across the nuclear sector have been honoured at the Annual Women in Nuclear UK (WiN UK) Awards
Melanie Brownridge of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority took the Champion of the Year award. She was recognised for her role in championing flexible working, proactively ensuring she leads a diverse, gender-balanced team and regularly speaking at events to promote our industry as vibrant and exciting open and accepting to a diverse range of enthusiastic people.
The Mission Possible award was given to Stacey Shepherd of EDF Energy, for her unwavering commitment to promoting diversity and equality of opportunity within her company and throughout the wider industry through organisations like WiN UK.
Richard Cooke from National Nuclear Laboratories beat off stiff competition to win the Ally of the Year award. The judges referenced his work as a mentor to encourage women into senior roles, encouraging other men in the sector to recognise the importance of gender balance, being a gender equality ambassador in the workplace and at events and providing guidance and support to WiN UK to meet its aims and objectives.
The Regional Heroes category winner was the WiN Scotland Highland Regional Team including Dounreay Women’s Network. Launched at the National Nuclear Archive in March 2019 the most northerly region in the WiN UK network has grown rapidly in membership and influence by organising and attending numerous events refusing to let their remote location hold them back and have used technology to support the wider WiN mission including social media.
A new category for 2020, was the WiN President’s Award, given to an individual or organisation who have shown sustained and outstanding achievement in the field of gender balance and inclusion in the nuclear industry. It is decided and awarded by the WiN UK President with the support of the WiN UK Executive Board. The inaugural winner was David Ellis from Jacobs for his unwavering commitment and passionate advocacy for inclusion and gender balance over many years and across many organisations as well as for Jacobs. , He has used his influence with senior members of the business to advance Jacobs’ approach to diversity and inclusion, both at a European and a Global level, ensuring that it is a key part of business strategy rather than an add on.
Jack Gritt, Outgoing President of Women in Nuclear UK said:
“The focus of this year’s conference was Time to Sweat the Small Stuff and the winners and indeed all the finalists are great exponents of how small actions can combine to drive meaningful change and significant results.
“This year’s awards have once again shown the incredible people we have working throughout our sector who are passionate role models and mentors, providing guidance and action on the need for gender balance and help change perceptions. I want to congratulate all the winners, finalists and indeed everyone who was nominated and encourage them all to carry on the good work they are doing. WiN UK provide a platform for awareness and support to progress gender equity, but it is the people in our industry, working tirelessly and with passion, that truly make the difference in creating an inclusive and happy environment for everyone.”
WiN UK is led by a group of women and men from across the nuclear sector. Its aims are to increase the number of girls and women studying science, engineering, technology or maths subjects and attract them towards a career the nuclear sector, support retention and progression of women already working in the sector and to promote dialogue with the nuclear industry, the public and government to address gender balance issues.
Award Winners - All photographs kindly taken by Daniella Marinos Photography

WiN UK Champion of the Year Award
L-R Dr Elina Militello Asp, UKAEA (Finalist); Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Melanie Brownridge, NDA (Winner); Lucy Austin (WiN UK); Jack Gritt (WiN UK) – note: Julia Pyke, EDF (Finalist) not pictured

WiN UK Mission Possible Award
L-R Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Helen Kendall, RWM (Finalist); Lidia Bosa, EDF (Finalist); Stacey Shepherd, EDF Energy (Winner); Lucy Austin (WiN UK); Jack Gritt (WiN UK)

WiN UK Regional Heroes Finalists
L-R (back row) Katie Paterson, Doosan Babcock/WiN Scotland Central; Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Jack Gritt (WiN UK); Lynsey Valentine (WiN UK); Celia Wighton, RWM/WiN Central; Lindsay Sedwards, Nuvia/WiN Central; Caroline Engevi, Veolia/WiN Central; Karen Sagar, AWE/WiN Central; Liam Payne, RWM/WiN Central; (front row) Rachel Strickland, UKAEA/WiN Central; Elina Militello Asp, UKAEA/WiN Central

WiN UK Regional Heroes Award
L-R The Dounreay Network and WiN Highlands teams - Natalie Bain, Dounreay; Gemma Pryor, Dounreay; Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Jack Gritt (WiN UK); Lynsey Valentine (WiN UK); Wendy Newton, MoD; Fiona Bruce, Dounreay; Sinead Bernard, Dounreay

WiN UK Ally of the Year Award
L-R Hugo Herrera, NDA (Finalist); Jack Gritt (WiN UK); Richard Cooke, NNL (Winner); Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Peter Welch, RWM (Finalist)

WiN UK President’s Award
L-R Gabriella Lauffer (WiN UK); Jack Gritt (WiN UK); Dave Ellis, Jacobs (Winner)