Pic: Members of the WiNUK Committee hosting an afternoon workshop with the WiN Global Executive
On 16 March, a delegation of the WiN Global Executive met in London for their annual spring meeting. WiN UK offered to host a series of afternoon workshops to help them understand the achievements made in the UK nuclear sector, over a relatively short space of time, and also learn from their experiences.
The topics for discussion focused on the change in governance structure, something which other Women in Nuclear chapters are looking at, and how WiN UK has managed its integration with the Nuclear Institute. Led by WiN UK Executive Board member Maxine Symington she gave a comprehensive overview of how the changeover was managed, as well as the reasons behind it.
Mentoring isn’t just an activity which female employees in the UK nuclear sector want more of, it’s a global issue. Joanne Hill, committee lead for WiN UK’s retention committee discussed the MentorSET programme and how by working with other organisations, a product can be rolled-out which benefits both businesses and their staff.
Communication and building a positive public perception is another universal issue and WiN UK was delighted that the Science Media Centre came along to talk about the importance of engaging with the media.