The UK YGN is delighted to announce that they have been awarded the Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido award. The award is presented every two years to the best national or continental YGN worldwide that provides outstanding service to its members. It is named in remembrance of Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido, an IYNC officer who died in the attacks in Paris on 13th November 2015.
The award was presented during the closing ceremony of the 10th International Youth Nuclear Congress (‘IYNC’) which was jointly hosted with the 26th WiN Global conference in Bariloche, Argentina.

The award recognises the YGN’s exceptional volunteers who every year provide tailored events for its members. From networking to technical tours to the annual speaking competition the YGN offers an unparalleled range of events to its increasing membership. Over the past 20 years the YGN has gone from strength to strength and now has over 900 members spread across the UK in all corners of the nuclear industry. It is through these members and their continued involvement that the YGN has been so successful.
“The Juan Alberto Gonzalez Garrido award arrived to its second edition at IYNCWIN18. The UK YGN stood out for its outstanding service that it gives to the nuclear YGN community, large numbers of members and impressive numbers of events organized (just to mention the great success of ENYGF2017).
“The UK-YGN has always shown great commitment and support to the IYNC community in a true united, collaborative, global spirit. All the officer team and myself wish all the best and congratulations for this important achievement.” - Luca Capriotti, IYNC President
Michael Bray, YGN Chair, said “This is a fantastic achievement for the UK YGN to be recognised globally for the huge effort of our volunteers in servicing the needs of our members with our annual series of events and networking opportunities, and providing a platform for personal and professional growth and development, and to fulfil our charitable objectives with outreach to schools and universities, inspiring the next generation to join our thriving industry. A huge thank you and well done to the YGN committee on another successful year and in particular to the delivery of ENYGF 2017 which was a large contributing factor to IYNC’s decision to present this award to the UK YGN this year.”

The UK YGN is very grateful to receive the award and will continue to deliver outstanding events and opportunities in line with the spirit of the IYNC and the principles of the award. With a new committee structure and new “Strategy 2020” the YGN will continue to be the leading organisation for young professionals in the UK nuclear industry.
The IYNC holds a bi-annual congress to promote cooperation and knowledge transfer within the international nuclear community. The next IYNC congress will be held in 2020 in Sydney, Australia.
More information on the IYNC can be found here.
The next annual WiN conference will be held in 2019 in Madrid. More information on WiN can be found here.
The UK YGN annual dinner and day seminar will be held in November in York.
More information on the UK YGN can be found here.