NI Young Generation Network
The YGN is the young member’s network of the Nuclear Institute, the professional membership body and Learned Society dedicatd to nuclear. It offers routes to professional registration with the Engineering and Science Councils and the Society for the Environment. Any member of the NI under the age of 37 becomes part of the Young Generation Network.
The YGN has been in existence for over 25 years and currently consists of approximately 2000 members. The YGN benefits individuals and the wider industry through promoting communication, collaboration and professional development in the UK and around the world.
To stay updated on all our activities, please follow us on social media.

As the YGN, our mission is:
"To build a supportive community through fostering collaboration, enabling networking and providing development opportunities, whilst inspiring and championing the next generation of nuclear professionals".

Benefits of Involvement...
Hear from some of our YGN members on why you should join the Nuclear Institute…