The Nuclear Institute staff and volunteers travelled to Event City in Manchester to represent the institute at the NDA Estate Supply Chain Event earlier this month.
Volunteers from the North West Branch assisted NI staff at the exhibition stand with engaging hundreds of delegates about the Nuclear Institute and its benefits to members.
1,500 visitors from the UK and overseas took advantage of face-to-face networking at this year’s event, the most successful so far and possibly the largest of its kind in Europe.
Ian Currie, NW Branch Member and volunteer for the day, said: "It was a very worthwhile day affording an excellent opportunity for the NI to acquaint attendees of the benefits and advantages that NI membership can offer."
The day featured talks from Baroness Verma, Minister of Energy and Climate Change, Rear Admiral Mike Wareham, MOD Defence Equipment and Support, and NDA Chief Executive John Clarke. Staff and volunteers used the opportunity to meet many influential people in the nuclear industry.

(Pictured L to R) Ian Currie, NI NW Branch Member; Anna Wright, NI Operations Manager; Jean Llewellyn OBE, Chief Executive of NSAN; Susanne Kinnaird, NI Marketing Officer.
The exhibition hall featured 260 stands, including the NI stand, alongside information stands representing the NDA, all the SLCs, government bodies and regeneration organisations.
The event is organised jointly by the NDA and its Site Licence Companies with the key goal of creating greater visibility of opportunities for suppliers, and for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in particular.

Baroness Verma speaks to delegates at the NDA Estate Supply Chain Event in Manchester.