About Us
The group's vision is to help improve Right First Time delivery of materials and services across the nuclear enterprise. The groups strategic objectives are as follows:
- Understand and improve the performance of the supply chain
- Drive towards common requirements across the supply base
- Influence the activities of related working groups
- Share best practice
The ability of the nuclear industry and other stakeholders to meet this new demand for energy will depend on several factors, including the capacity to manufacture and deliver the required quantity and quality of equipment for both existing nuclear power plants and new build needs. The SCQWG was created to understand the latest challenges related to supply chain oversight practices and will examine potential risks that the nuclear industry will need to consider to ensure safe and reliable nuclear operations.

(click to download a larger version)
Good Practice Guide
Fit for Nuclear Programme
Artificial Intelligence
ONR updates
Development and Training
Aim: Suppliers have the skills to meet industry requirements, drive continuous improvements, and supply chain is resilient due to breadth and depth.
Supplier Risk, Opportunity, and Intelligence
Aim: Industry-wide clarity on supply chain intel/risk (themes e.g. CFSI; capability areas e.g. welding; specific suppliers e.g. poor performers?).
Aim: Consistency of assurance of minimum industry-wide standards. Cross party assurance collaboration where possible.
Minimum Standards and Expectations
Aim:Clear industry-wide minimum (optimum?) standards for the nuclear supply chain (with graded approach).
View key documents and resources from the SCQWG.
Links to useful information/documents:
If you have any questions, queries or updates you wish to share with the Safety Directors’ Forum email us at:sdf@nuclearinst.com