This autumn has been a busy one for the NI North West Branch with many activities such as holding two evening lectures, getting involved with the north west region inter-institutional ‘Engineering Your Future’ initiative, and assisting NI staff exhibiting at the NDA supply Chain event. The North Wales sub-Branch also took part in the Engineering & Science North Wales Group seminar. Read on to find out how they went...
Engineering Your Future
Now in their eighth year in the North West, Engineering Your Future (EYF) events have become a key date in the diary for the region’s sixth form colleges and secondary schools. These events act as a career open day; where students aged 16-18 are invited along to learn more about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects.
Three NW Branch YGN members attended the EYF event running an interactive game that involved students using a glovebox to stack Jenga bricks against the clock to see who could build the highest tower in the time provided. This illustrated how simple tasks are significantly more challenging in a nuclear environment – it’s very hard to be dextrous when you’ve got thick gloves on!
The level of interest shown by the students at this event was very high and there was some extremely positive feedback received about the day; both from the students and their teachers.
North Wales Seminar
At the joint Engineering & Science North Wales Group seminar held in Bangor University, around 70 attendees heard presentations from influential speakers from the UK energy/technology sector, including; Dr Tim Fox, John Earp, Dr Tim Stone and Janet Wilson.

The organising team at the North Wales Seminar
The seminar covered the UK national and regional energy policies then focussed on specific low carbon energy technologies such as nuclear (ABWRs and SMRs), tidal, marine current, waste from energy, solar/PV and smart buildings PV technology – all of which are proposed in Wales. Thus, demonstrating that Wales could become a leader in the development, demonstration and implementation of a mix of low carbon energy technologies.
This was followed by a presentation of how the National Grid intend to provide the 21st Century infrastructure to support future energy requirements.
Evening Lectures
The evening lectures were on the topics 'ONR: Regulatory Assurance' given by Dr Mina Golshen from the Office for Nuclear regulation (ONR) and ‘EDF Energy: Japanese Earthquake Response Programme’ given by Guy Gillespie of EDF Energy. Both lectures saw over 50 people attend.
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